Papillon Rose Wiki

1st Night – The Battle Panties wearing Gal and the STD is the first episode of the Papillon Rose R series


the battle to the death with Regina, Tsubomi and her friends have been living their lives obsessing over nothing but sex. At the Kabuki Butterfly a puzzling STD is spreading due to a virus weapon belonging to the Gel Dynasty, an organisation lead by Shiorinite. Tsubomi is in a relationship with one of her customers who she sleeps with while wearing her battle panties, a handsome young man called Razy Minowa. At that moment, a transvestite named Da Gi Condyloma (Dajiko) is continuing the plan to spread the new strain of the virus at the Kabuki Butterfly. Tsubomi is attacked by a sudden bout of dizziness and collapses to the floor due to the unknown illness. Margarette and Lily face a hard time as neither of their special attacks are effective. Tsubomi recovers from the illness and after obtaining new powers she transforms in Papillon Rose once again!

Today's Highlight

Rose and the other soldiers are in real trouble when they face the militant transvestite group! At that moment a stream of white semen cuts through the air. Is that Dandy? But isn’t he supposed to be dead?!
